Sunday 4 December 2011

You wait all day for a tram then...

OK, so the original quote refers to buses, but it's close enough. After finding the first video of Shōkakuji-shita, I was skimming through the other videos by seigen120kaihin and suddenly spotted what had to be route numbers amongst all the Japanese characters. Two therefore appeared to be route 1, so hopefully included more of Shōkakuji-shita. And here it is, at the end this time (final 40 seconds), and filmed from the other side. A lot of reflection off the windows, but the opposite side of the street this time
. Not sure of the time of day - when I have nothing better to do I'll perhaps work it out from the position of the sun - but that's quite a high frequency service. One tram's just leaving as our's arrives.


  1. Wow these are cool to see. I watched both videos and then found one more on Youtube, purely by coincidence. Thanks!

  2. The elusive driver's eye view - well done!
